Wednesday, 7 March 2018

외환 거래 곤란 집중

Forex Trading. This는 Forex 정보의 정기적 인 계획된 프로그래밍과 약간의 차이가있을 것입니다. 저는 유타주의 솔트 레이크 시티에서 집을 구입할 때 보게되는 과정에있을 것입니다. 이와 같이 저는 집에 관심이 있습니다. 보험 당신은 낮은 가격에 대한 모든 소리를 듣지 않기 위해 바위 아래에서 살아야하기 때문에, 나는 그것이 실제로 의미하는 것이 무엇인지, 그리고 가장 낮은 요금을 얻는 방법을 조사하기로 결정했습니다. 바라기를, 모든 나의 Forex 무역 전문 기술은 지불 할 것이다 - 새로운 집을 문자로 지불하십시오. 당신은 얼마나 오래 당신의 최신 재산 소유자 보험 정책 그룹을 사용하고 있습니까? 똑같은 보상 보험 정책 회사가 비용으로 외설스러운 이윤 창출을 돕기를 원하기 때문에 증가한 지불금을 계속해서 내고 싶지는 않습니다. 다양한 보험사로부터 보험을 제공하는 수많은 보험 정책 브로커를 살펴보십시오. 올 스테이트, 스테이트 팜 및 파머와 같은 단일 조직 에이전트에서 구매하는 것과는 대조적입니다. 월드 와이드 웹에서 몇 가지 인터넷 사이트를 찾을 수 있습니다. 여기에서 귀하에 관한 적절한 데이터를 입력하고 주택 소유자 보험에 대한 순 견적을 얻을 수 있습니다. 몇 초안에 계획을 세우십시오. 귀하가 가정 한 수량에 대해 방대한 양을 보증해야 할 필요는 없습니다. 웹 사이트에 특별한 유익한 집이없는 한 화재로 인해 손상되거나 파괴 될 수있는 유용한 거주지가있는 경우 브로커와 이야기하고 집에 이름을 지정하고 추가로 가치를 부여해야하는 특정 라이더를 확보해야합니다. 수영장이나 트램폴린을 지닌 집을 염두에두면 수영장과 트램폴린이 위협 요소가 커짐에 따라 보험료가 상당히 인상 될 것임을 명심하십시오. 농산물 트램폴린에 십대 소년을 참여 시키면 특별히 여러 번 발생할 수있는 부상을 몇 번 발견 할 수 있습니다. 보험료를 유지 관리하는 또 다른 방법은 일반적으로 가구가 30 년 이상 된 경우 전기 시스템을 업데이트하는 것입니다. 석유 열을 가능한 한 빨리 전기 또는 천연 가스로 전환하는 방법 연료 오일 저장 용기는 상당한 기회가 될 수 있습니다. 대부분의 사람들은 당신이 공제액을 늘림으로써 보험료를 줄일 수 있다고 대부분 이해하지만, 대부분의 사람들은 그들이 정말로 절약 할 수있는 금액을 잘 모릅니다. 500 불의 공제 금액을 늘리면 12 불을 절약 할 수 있습니다. 공제 금액 최대 1000까지는 보험료를 24 배 절감합니다. 2500 공제 금액 인상은 30 세를 절약하고 5000 공제 금액은 37 세를 절약 할 것입니다. 공제액이 적을 때 재산 소유자 보험 증권에 대한 수많은 청구를하십시오 귀하의 보험료를 즉시 볼 수 없게하십시오 귀하의 가장 좋은 재정적 선택은 귀하의 보험료를 달성 가능한 최저 수준으로 유지하고 더 큰 공제 금액을 유지하는 것입니다. 오직 집주인 정책과 실제 집 보험 보상 제외 귀하의 보험료를 낮추는 것을보아야 할 또 하나의 측면은 t 그는 화재의 기회를 두 번 이상 거주지에서 흡연자가있는 것보다 그것은 당신이 거주지에서 두명의 흡연자를 찾을 수 있다면 네 quadruples 최고의 내기는 특히 당신이 신용 문제가 있어야 조직의 숫자에 액세스 할 수있는 브로커를 사용하는 것입니다 브로커 2010 년 8 월 19 일 목요일, 이 유익한 기사는 현재 사용할 수있는 최고의 통화 거래 소프트웨어가 무엇인지에 특히 중점을 둔 외환 거래를위한 멋진 소프트웨어 도구에 대해 설명합니다. wasn 경험 많은 상인, 기술 괴짜 또는 수학 괴상한 자에 의해 제작되었습니다. 숙달 된 상인이 제작했습니다. 경험 많은 동료와의 상대성 이론을 발견했습니다. 다윈은 경험 많은 동료와 함께 진화론을 구축 했습니까? 인간 문명의 역사는 경험이 있거나 경험 많은 친구들과 일함으로써 돌파구를 발견했습니다. forex 자동 거래 프로그램을 땡기는 것은 다르다. 그리고 전형적인위원회가 forex 무역 프로그램을 일으키는 것을 시도하는 경우에, 일반적으로 평균 제품으로 이끌 것이다. 반대로, 능숙한 상인이 forex 체계 건설에 투입 투입하면 일반적으로 이 시스템이 Forex 세계에서 그러한 소란을 일으켰던 이유입니다. 이 로봇은 거래 커뮤니티 전체에 충격의 충격을 보내고 있습니다. 그렇습니다. 자동 거래 시스템 업계에 충격을주었습니다. 하지만 시스템이 폭풍에 의해 시장. 음, 시스템은 한 가지 외환 프로그램이 마음에 한 가지로 판매되고 있다는 것입니다. 그리고 그것은 또한 정확하게 외환 거래자 인 수만명의 외환 거래자를 위해 만들어진 한 가지 외환 소프트웨어입니다. 당신이 한동안 느끼고있는 동일한 감정. 만약 Forex Gurus뿐만 아니라 다른 외환 영업 사원들이 당신에게 가장 최근의 Forex 로봇이나 거래 과정을 팔려고 할 때 신뢰할 수있는 조언자로 노래하십시오. 부자가 빨리 증가하고 싶다면 가장 신속한 방법은 무엇인지 모르거나 도움없이 할 수있는 거래 능력이 없어야합니다. 귀하가 최신 변동성에 대해 우려하고 있다면 금융 시장, 하지만 당신은 CD에 모든 돈을 넣을 수 없다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 특히 큰 인플레이션이오고 나면 수익을 얻지 못할 것입니다. 만약 당신이 약간의 좌절감을 느낀다면, 가장 보람있는 외환 로봇의 내부 트랙. 일찍 은퇴하기로 결심했다면, 잠들거나 휴가를 보내는 동안 돈을 벌기도하면서 금융 공포에서 벗어나 진정으로 번영하고 살 수 있습니다. 그리고, 가장 빠른 스피드와 확실한 방법을 선호한다면 중요한, 자동 조종 방법이 특히 까다로운 기후에서 통화 거래 시장에서 현금을 얻는 것입니다. 당신이이 감정들 중 일부 또는 전부를 경험했다면, 이 시스템은 당신이 원하는 것일 것입니다. 그것은 다른 자동 조종 장치 홍보 오늘의 장점은 당신에게 고유 한 이점을 제공하는 것입니다. Deadly 정확한 기록이 시스템은 완벽한 기록을 가지고 있습니다. 99 75 정확도와 신뢰성으로이 엘리트 Forex 프로그램은 짐승입니다. 탁월한 선택성으로 인해 귀하의 달러는 A 등급 거래에서 독점적으로 번성하고 번식 할 것입니다. 매일 많은 거래를하지는 않지만 순수한 보석이므로 매우 위험이 적거나, 때로는 제로 위험. 밤새 편안하게 잠들 수 있도록 초보자 형 보호 장치, 시스템의 목표, 다른 무엇보다 중요한 것은 현재 갖고있는 것을 보존하는 것입니다. 부를 창출하는 주된 규칙은 당신이 이미 가지고있는 것을 잃어 버려서는 안됩니다. 열렬한 행동으로 이익을 얻기 전에 시장을 돌아 보지 않아도됩니다. 고주파 거래 로봇으로서, 작은 시간 프레임을 통해 시장을 정확하게 호출하면됩니다. 직업 확립 훨씬 간단하고 은행 계좌가 더 빨리 성장할 수 있습니다 .100 자동 조종 이익을 통해 다른 자동화 솔루션보다 더 빨리 더 많은 수익을 누릴 수 있습니다. 침대에서, 해변에서, 휴가 중 또는 멀리 떨어져있는 동안 재산을 창출하십시오. 개인용 컴퓨터를 사용하면 금전적 인 독립을 즉시 이겨낼 수 있습니다. 로봇이 미래를 알 수 있다고 말하는 사람은 거짓말 쟁이입니다 시장이받는 주된 방향을 예측하고자하는 것은 매우 복잡합니다. 분석가와 Forex 전문가에게 말할 수 있습니다 한 가지 확실한 점은 모두가 지속적으로 잘못 될 것이라는 점입니다. 이제 고려해보십시오. 경험이 풍부한 프로그래머는 거래 인력이없고 경제에 익숙하지 않고 실무 경험이 없으므로 미래를 기대하는 로봇. 이 시스템은 비교할 수없는 무언가를 확립했습니다. 이제 자동화 된 거래 솔루션이 예측하지 못하는 완전히 새로운 인간 공학 단계에 접어 들었습니다. 미래의 변동성이나 새로운 추세에 완전히 영향을받지 않습니다. 대신 시스템은 미래의 예측이 아니라 미래의 예측에 기초하여 매우 안전하고 초고 품질의 투자를합니다. 또한 상세한 통계 분석을합니다. 그리고 통화 쌍을 분석 한 후에도 위험 보상 프로파일이 유리한 경우가 아니라면 무역을하십시오. 즉, 지구상에서 가장 수익성이 높은 외환 프로그램이 아니라 현재이 시스템이 왜 가장 신중한 지 이해할 수있게되었습니다. 투자 방법, 그리고 왜 당신에게 높은 보상을 줄 수 있는지, 당신은 미국에서 가장 멋진 자동 거래 솔루션으로 돈을 버는 법을 알아야합니다. 의심의 여지없이, Forex Trader로서의 당신에게 좋은 소식은 우리가 이제 그런 단계에 있다는 것입니다 가장 신뢰할 수있는 거래 방법 중 일부가 또한 가장 수익성 높은 기술의 기술입니다. 사실, 이 시스템이 특정 거래에 대해 틀렸다고하더라도, 신속하게 만들어 내기 때문에 시간이 지남에 다 치지 않을 것입니다 이익 b y는 어떤 조건 하에서도 작동하는 forex 시장에서 가장 신뢰할 수있는 거래에 집중합니다. 이 컨텐츠는 현재 사용 가능한 최고의 외환 로봇 일 수있는 것에 초점을 맞춘 외환 거래를위한 수퍼 소프트웨어 도구를 도입했습니다. 경험 많은 거래 업체가 만든 것이 아닙니다 , 기술 괴짜 또는 수학 괴상한 사람은 능숙한 상인에 의해 만들어졌습니다. 우주에 대한 제약으로 인해, 우리는 아마도 여기에 공개 된 시스템의 전체 세부 사항을 다루지 않을 수 있습니다. 하지만 관심이있는 경우 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다 이 Forex 무역 로봇 링크를 따라 모든 외환 거래자와 인터넷 기반의 비즈니스 스타터, 재 시동기 및 전문가에게 강력히 권장되는이 시스템에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오. 또한 최고의 통합 웹 디자인, 개발, 마케팅에 대해 알아볼 수 있습니다 , 웹 비즈니스를 시작, 재시작, 수정, 실행 또는 최적화하기위한 호스팅 소프트웨어 도구를 호스팅 할 수 있습니다. 귀하는이 웹 마케팅 홈 비즈니스 웹 디자인 개발 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오. 밝은 미래를 앞당길 수 있습니다. 예, 밝은 미래가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다. 당신의 상태가 얼마나 힘든지, 밝은 미래가 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다. 그러나 당신은 보통 고민하고 있습니다. 즐거움은 당신의 길에 선다. 걱정하지 마라. 용기는 기다리고있다. 너는 평범함을 잃어 버리지도 않는다. 확신은 당신을 기다리고있다. 얼마나 울어도 상관없이, 웃음은 계속되고있다. 당신이 얼마나 화가 났는지, 평화가 당신 마음에 오는지는 중요하지 않다. 예, 당신은 실제로 당신 앞에 밝은 미래를 가지고 있습니다..Ar Agbormbai는 2006 년부터 온라인 사업을 시작했으며이 분야에서 많은 업적과 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 온라인에서 성공할 수 있도록 자신의 기사를 통해 귀하의 통찰력을 얻을 수 있습니다. 이전에 Agbormbai 박사는 정보 시스템 및 정보 기술 선임 강사였습니다 런던의 사립 대학에서 박사 학위를 받았다. 그는 Imperial College London에서 항공 우주 공학 박사 학위를 받았고, 우주선 공기 역학을 전공했다. Fluid Dy의 연구원 Agbormbai는 그의 블로그 게시물을 통해 국가 문제를 분석하고 온라인 정치 사이트에서 이러한 문제에 대한 예리한 실용적인 솔루션을 제공함으로써 국가 건설에 기여합니다. 그는 과학과 같은 학제 간 영역에서 문제를 해결하면서 세계 최고의 문제 해결 전문가입니다. , 기술, 비즈니스 - 기업, 사람 및 국가 문제 이러한 문제는 학업과 실무 사이에 다양합니다. 베스트 forex 상인. 3 2014.Best Forex Trader. Join 가장 유명한 Forex 플랫폼 etoot 최고의 외환 거래자에 대해 알아보십시오 무료 전자 서적을 얻으려면 방문하십시오. 외환 시장에서 프로인지 또는 그것에 대해 자세히 알기를 원하면 시작하기 위해 모든 것을 배울 수 있습니다. 그것으로 오늘 Forex 무역을하기 시작하기 위하여 구독하고 자유로운 ebook를 잊지 말라 제일 forex 상인에 관하여 모든 정보를 얻으십시오. Forex 제일 상인과 가진 베스트 돈 Forex이 Forex 팁으로. 그것에게서 만들 수있는 잠재적 인 돈의, forex 무역은 두번째 소득을 만드는 대중적인 방법이되었다 그러나, forex 무역에 성공하기 위하여려고하고있는 유일한 방법은 당신이 그것 및 그것의 밖으로 알고있는 경우에이다이 기사는 forex 무역의 중요한 양상을 설명하기 위하여려고하고있다. 아무리 많은 비즈니스 통찰력이나 마케팅 분석 지식을 소유하고 있어도 외환 시장에서의 거래는 위험합니다. 자기 통제력이 강하지 않은 경우 확고한 자기 통제 능력이 없다면 과부하로 희생 될 가능성이 높습니다. 예측할 수없는 예측 및 궁극적으로는 자신의 욕심 그러나 Forex 거래의 심리학을 마스터하는 데 도움이되는 몇 가지 전략이 있습니다. 자신 만의 고유 한 방법을 개발하고 가끔씩 실망시킬지라도 그것에 충실하십시오. 뉴스에 듣기 전문 마케터는 공기가 닿기 오래 전에이 정보를 알고 있습니다. 관련성이 없습니다. 거대한 장풍이 아닌 작은 승리가 예상됩니다. 상황을 과도하게 분석하여 바쁘기 때문에 화재를 당하지 마십시오. 당신의 마음을 정하십시오, 그것은 너무 늦었습니다. 거래 경험을 향상시키고 외환 거래 현장에서 실질적인 선수가되기 위해이 팁을 사용하십시오. 매달 당신의 기본적인 재정적 필요를 충족시켜야하는 외환 시장에서 돈을 거래하지 마십시오. 당신은 당신의 모기지 나 유틸리티 요금을 지불 할 기한을 정하고 있으며, 합리적으로 거래하지 않고 정서적으로 거래 할 것이고, 외환 거래는 당신의 유일한 수입원이되어서는 안됩니다. 돈을 잃을 여유가 있습니다. 사람들이 시장에서 돈을 벌기 시작하면 과신이되어 위험한 거래를하는 경향이 있습니다. 공포와 공포감도 같은 결과를 가져올 수 있습니다. 감정을 통제하기 위해 열심히 노력하십시오. 당신의 감정을 토대로 행동하지 마십시오. 외환 거래가 성공하려면, 거래 계획을 짜 넣는 것이 필수적입니다. 탐욕이 당신이 승리 할 때 넘어서도록 격려하는 것은 쉽습니다. 돈을 벌기 전에 미리 할 일에 대해 생각하고 계획을 고수하십시오. 거래 할 때 직감을 들어라. 무역에 대해 무언가가 성가시다하더라도, 그 이유를 정의 할 수 없더라도 거래를하지 말라. 본능과 직감을 경청함으로써 나중에 좌절감을 피할 수 있습니다. 외환 시장에서 트렌드를 파악하는 것이 어려울 경우 장기적인 관점에서 차트를 검토하여 한발 뒤로 물러서십시오. 15 분 간격으로 시간별 차트를보십시오. 시간별 간격으로 일일 차트를 살펴 보는 등, 애매한 것으로 보이는 경향은 더 긴 시간 프레임에서 조사 할 때 종종 명확하게 나타납니다. 위에서 언급 한 것처럼 외환 거래는 당신이 돈을 벌 수있는 좋은 방법이 될 수 있도록 가장 중요하게 생각할 때, 당신이 주제에 대해 교육받는 것이 중요합니다. 중요한 거래 정보를 얻었으므로 이제 시도해보십시오. 더 숙련 된 인재가 되십시오. Forex 무역 내 팁 다음과 같습니다. 인식하고 자신과 조정에 거래의 시장과 같은 일을하는 것이 중요합니다 금융 목표 만들기, 사람들이 외환 거래에서 성공하는 데 도움이 브로커의 선택을 기억하는 것이 중요합니다 이 분야에서 잘하고 이익을내는 방법에 대한 몇 가지 팁. Forex 거래의 거래선은 가격 선회점을 나타내는 단순한 선 또는 가격이 저항되거나 지원되는시기의 지표입니다. 지원 및 저항도 간단합니다. 배울 것, 그들이 열심히 소리가 날지도 모르다, 이 3 개의 품목에 관하여 당신의 연구를 첫째로 배우고 이해하십시오 동향 선에 관하여 학습은 중대하게 Forex 시장에 당신의 기회를 개량 할 것이다. 신중한 forex 상인은 결코 그들의 깊이 저쪽에 떠돌아 다니지 않는다 forex 무역 하나의 거래를 철저히 이해할 수있는 거래로 제한하는 것이 중요합니다. 이해하기 어려운 조언이나 신비한 제안은 비우호적 인 물에서 좌초하기위한 확실한 방법입니다. 거래를 실행하는 상인은 자신이 이해하지 못하는 것을 이용하려고합니다. Forex는 돈을 벌기 위해 Forex를 거래하기 시작합니다. 자신을 알아야합니다. 귀하는 귀하의 위험 관용과 귀하의 개인적 필요를 이해해야합니다. Forex 거래와 관련하여 귀하의 개인 재무 목표가 무엇인지 분석해야합니다. . 훌륭한 Forex 거래 팁은 항상 스톱 로스를 사용하는 것입니다. 스톱 손실의 도움없이 Forex 포지션을 열면 재앙을 불러올 수 있습니다. 인터넷 연결 또는 당신의 힘이 갑자기 사라집니다. 손해액이 없으면 손실을 막을 수있는 어떤 방법도 얻지 못했습니다. 외환 거래를 할 때, 그렇게하지 마십시오. Forex는 라스베가스처럼 쉽게 세금을 부과 할 수 있습니다. 귀하의 눈 가리개에 그것은 여러 경우에 도박에 비유되었습니다 많은 방법으로 어려운 방법을 찾지 마라, 연구를하거나, 큰 돈을 잃지 마라. 당신이 어려움을 외환 시장에서 발견하면, 장기적으로 차트 검토하기 15 분 간격으로 집중하는 경우 시간별 차트를보십시오. 시간별 간격으로 일일 차트를 살펴 보는 등 불분명 한 경향은 종종 더 긴 시간 틀. 외환 거래 및 가능한 한 많은 거래 의사 결정을 자동화 할 때 감정을 조절하십시오. 탐욕, 공포, 흥분 및 공포와 같은 인간의 감정은 통화 쌍을 수익성있게 교환 할 수있는 역효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 돈을 당신이 시장에 잃을 여유가 있습니다, 당신은 크게 감정의 강도를 줄일 수 있습니다. 당신이 수익을 잃을 위험을 감수하거나 알려지지 않은 결정을 내릴 수 있으므로 forex 거래에 관해서 당신이 이해하지 못하는 일을하려고하지 마십시오 실현 확률이 관여하고 계획을 고수하면 성공할 수 있도록이 기사의 팁을 기억하여 외환 거래에 계속 참여하고 경험을 공유하십시오. 주간 무역에서의 자기 통제 생물학적 요인. 거래가 자제력을 발휘합니다. 주식, forex 또는 미래, 우리는 때때로 통제되지 않는 자제심을 소유 할 필요가 있습니다 왜 어려운지 생물학 때문에 부분적으로 인 무엇 우리의 생물학이 우리의 각자 통제 및 분야에 영향을 미치고 어떻게 읽는 지 읽으십시오 나는 몇 년 전에 친구에게 저에게 보내졌으며 기사의 출처에 대해 잘 모르는 몇 가지 중요한 점을 가지고 있습니다. 그러나 새로운 데이 트레이더들이 종종 자신의 거래 계획에 충실하기가 어려운 이유를 살펴 봅니다. 자신 - 생물학적 요인을 통제하십시오. 마이클 샵셔, PHD. 거래 계획을 고집하는 데 어려움이 있습니까? 거래 계획을 포기할 심리적 이유가 많이 있습니다. 일부 거래자는 현실적이고 쉽게 따라 할 수있는 계획을 지정하지 못합니다. 방법을 포기하고 계획을 포기한다. 다른 거래자들은 시장을 거래하는 데 충분한 경험을하지 못하고 경비에 걸려 통제를 잃어 버린다. 심리적 요인만으로는 자제력 부족에 대한 유일한 설명이 될 수는 없다. 일부 상인에 대한 자기 통제의 부족은 자신의 성격을 반영 할 수 있습니다. 일부 상인은 심리학자 Dr Marvin Zuckerman이 말한 감각의 특성을 나타내는 경향이 있습니다. Zuckerman 박사에 따르면, 감각 추구는 강력한 필요입니다 다양하고, 새롭고, 복잡한 감각과 경험을 필요로합니다. 이러한 욕구는 너무 강해서 감각 추구자는 그러한 감정을 위해 신체적, 사회적 위험을 기꺼이 감수해야합니다. Zuckerman 박사는 Zuckerman 박사가이 반응을 억제하는 능력은 중요한 유전 적 요소를 가지고 있다고 주장했다. Zuckerman 박사는 뇌의 특정 부위가 반응을 찾는 감각의 억제에 책임이 있다고 주장하며 일부 환자는 다른 사람보다이 반응을 더 쉽게 억제 할 수 있다고한다. Sensation 구직자들이 지루해지기 쉽고 새롭고 흥미 진진한 경험을 추구합니다. 이것은 충동적인 거래로 이어질 수 있습니다. 충동 적으로 행동하는 성격이 없더라도, 때때로 Roy Blumeister 박사와 동료들은 자기 주도적 성향을 주장 할 때, 통제는 사용으로 고갈 된 제한된 에너지 원에 의존한다. 자기 통제를 한 후에, 사람들은 자기 통제에 대한 나중의 시도에서 실패하는 경향이있다. 자기 통제의 초기 행동은 나중에 필요로하는 어떤 에너지 원을 소비 할 가능성이있다. 예를 들어 스트레스를 조절하는 제한된 심리적 에너지를 소비하면 나중에 시장에 관심을 기울이는 데 어려움을 겪게됩니다. 자제력은 근육과 같이 작용합니다. 처음에는 충동을 조절하는 데 약간의 어려움이있을 수 있지만, 에너지를 소비하면 마모되어 스스로 조절을 유지하는 데 어려움을 겪습니다. 마모 된 근육으로서의 자제력을 관찰하는 것은 유추 자아 조절은 근육과 같지만 근육이 아닙니다. Gaillot과 Baumeister는 최근 2007 년 자기 통제가 근육과 같은 작용을한다는 생물학적 기초가있을 수 있다고 주장했습니다. 연구 조사에 따르면 자아 행동 - 통제는 상대적으로 많은 양의 글루코스를 고갈시킵니다. 글루코스는 뇌의 연료입니다. 먹을 때, 몸은 에너지가 필요로하는 포도당으로 변합니다. 뇌 기능을 위해서는 포도당이 필요합니다. 포도당이 없으면 뇌 기능이 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. 그리고 당신은 거래 계획을 고수하는 데 어려움을 겪을 것입니다. 연구 조사에 따르면 자제력이 요구되는 일에 관여하면 포도당은 고갈되고 보충되어야합니다. 그러나 llot과 Baumeister 2007은 혈당 수치를 높이면 자기 통제가 좋아질 것이라고 제안하지 않습니다. 즉, 사탕 봉지를 먹으면 포도당 수치가 올라갈 수 있지만 거래 계획을 고수 할 수는 없습니다. 포도당이 고갈되고 포도당 수준이 최적 수준으로 회복 될 때까지 휴식을 취해야합니다. 과학적 연구에 따르면 자제는 근육과 같은 작용을한다고 제안합니다. 근육에 과세하면 근육이 마모되어 휴식을 취해야합니다. 자기 통제와 동일 자기 통제의 행위는 제한된 양의 심리적 에너지를 사용합니다. 자기 통제의 추가 행위에 참여하기 전에 휴식하고 에너지 레벨을 복원하는 것이 중요합니다. 당신은 기계가 아닙니다. 당신의 인간적인 한계를 인정하고 그들 주위에서 일하십시오. 당신도 좋아할 것입니다. 일관된 거래 성공을 이루는 방법 수석 애널리스 트인 Jeffrey Kennedy는 거래의 질을 향상시키는 데 필요한 실질적인 조언을 공유합니다. ndset 귀하의 목적은 귀하의 결과에 영향을 미칩니다. 귀하의 목적을 찾으십시오. 그래서 거래가 돈에 관한 것이 아니라면 다른 직업만큼이나 비울 수 있기 때문입니다. 이 기사에서 논의 된 사고 방식은 거래에 관한 것이 라기보다는 삶에 관한 것입니다. . 더 나은 상인이되는 방법 자신을 아는 방법 Jeffrey Kennedy는 20 년 이상의 상인으로서의 경험을 가지고 있으며, 상인과 투자자가 자신의 지식을 확장하는 것을 포함하여 자신의 거래 기술을 향상시키는 데 도움을줍니다. 제품 이름 FX Foundations. You는 베테랑 전문가 팀이 그들의 말을. FX 토대는 일일 및 주간 외환 기술 분석 보고서, 외환 교육, 무료 외환 교육, 외환 거래 전략, 라이브 외환 블로그 및 외환 신호를 제공하는 것을 목표로하는 전문 Forex 거래 포털입니다. 팀은 풀 타임 전문 상인 모든 수준의 상인을위한 음식. 3 개월 동안 브론즈 서비스 150. 6 개월 동안 실버 서비스 260. 9 개월 동안 골드 서비스 350. 플래티넘 서비스 425 12 개월 동안. 또한 추가 49 일회 등록비 모든 서비스에 대해 모든 서비스는 동일한 시설 패키지를받습니다. 돈 위로 보증 웹 사이트에서 7 일 무료 평가판 세부 정보를 제공합니다. 지도 및 비디오 자습서가있는 회원 웹 사이트와 과거 일일 뉴스 레터의 아카이브 매일 여러 이메일 월 금 시장 정보 및 가능한 거래의 표시 동일한 시장에서 활발히 거래하고있는 숙련 된 도시 거래자의 개인 멘토링 37 페이지 많은 정보를 제공하는 사용자 매뉴얼 지상 정보. 구입처. FX Foundations는 회원을 안내하고 훈련시켜 성공적인 외환 거래자가되는 외환 거래 방법입니다. 주인은 런던 중심가에서 일하는 소규모의 경험 많은 상인으로, 매일 거래하고 사람들을 안내합니다. 자신의 전략을 사용합니다. 나는이 일을하기 위해 경험이 필요합니다. 그렇습니다. 외환 시장에 대한 기본적인 이해가 필요합니다. 이것이 최종 베팅 거래를 보내는 직접 팁 서비스가 아닌 것이 무엇인지 이해하는 것이 중요합니다 그들은 회원들에게 외환 거래를 이해하고 자신들의 차트와 시스템을 사용하여 거래 제안을 보내 회원들에게 전문 지식을 제공하고 도움을주는 도구와 차트를 제공하도록 조언합니다. 시작하기 위해 얼마의 돈이 필요합니까? 적합한 금융 중개인과 거래 계좌를 개설하기 위해 도박 은행 1 pips를 사용하려면 최소 1,000의 은행이 필요합니다. 얼마만큼의 돈을 벌 수 있습니까? 증가하는 전문 지식과 핍당 투자에 대한 경험이 있음 초기 경험에 따르면 월 500 ~ 1,000 pips를 만들 수 있음을 나타냅니다. 이 작업을 수행하는 데 필요한 시간은 얼마나됩니까? 많은 노력이 필요합니다. 매일 0730에서 0900 사이의 데이터에 액세스하고 외환 거래 수치와 선택한 거래 플랫폼에 대한 액세스 권한이있어 하루 동안 거래 상황을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다. 소프트웨어에 따라 거래 시작일을 설정할 수도 있습니다 미리 결정한 수준 그러나이 일을하기 위해 당신은 하루 종일 이메일과 웹 사이트 거래 데이터를 모니터링해야 할 것 같습니다. 하루 중 특정 시간에 베팅을하지 않을 것입니다. 필요한 모든 장비가 필요합니다. 아뇨, 인터넷 액세스가 가능한 PC 랩톱 및 하나 이상의 금융 중개인과의 거래 그들은 특정 회사는 추천하지 않지만 IG Index, FXCM 또는 GKFX Trading이 좋은 예가 될 것입니다. 당신은 그들의 최신 그래프를 볼 필요가 있습니다 다양한 통화 쌍에 대한 현재 지수 이러한 사이트의 한 가지 이점은 대개 상금 중 소액의 수수료를 사용하므로 성공할 경우 귀하를 상실하기를 원하지 않을 것입니다. 귀하가 성공하면 성공할 확률이 더 높습니다. 그렇습니다 50 달 당 지출을 위해 그것은 훨씬 더 비싼 다른 hyped 서비스와 비교 된 절대 매매를 증명할 수있었습니다 당신은 예기되는 것과 같이 실행하는 경우에 이익으로 쉽게 잘 움직여야합니다. 그것은 승진에있는 요구에 살아 있습니다. 일 하지만 네, 주석에 표시된대로하는 것 같습니다. 고객 서비스 품질. 처음에는 고객 서비스가 우수했습니다. 약 10 일 동안 서비스를 받고 나면 정보가 나와 내게 다가올 때 매우 인상적이었습니다. 고객 서비스의 수준에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 거래가 권장되는 시점을 파악하는 데 시간과 노력이 필요하므로이 작업을 열심히해야합니다. 이번 주에 더 많은 일일 메시지를 발송하기 시작했으며 잠재적 인 거래를보다 쉽게 ​​강조하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 항상 다음에 나오는 개별 해석 요소가 있으며 특정 결과는 회원마다 다르지만 지금까지 처음 6 거래일 동안 모두 9 거래로 안내되었습니다. 모두 그 (것)들의 우승자, 379 pips의 총 이익 생성. 이것은 명확하게 당신이 안으로 두는 노력, 당신이 나가고 성공적인 상인이 될 수 있던처럼 느끼는 상황 같이 느낀다 지금까지 나는 잘 감명을 줬다 그러나 매우 빠른 시일입니다. 다음 번 업데이트는 3 월 초 2 월 말 첫 거래가 끝나고 내 결과와 서비스에 대한 추가 경험을 담고 있습니다. 중간 보고서 3 월 2015. 이제이 한 달이 넘도록 경험과 결과를 업데이트 할 시간입니다. 지금까지 나는 경험과 결과에 깊은 인상을 받았지만 시작시 말한 것을 다시 반복해야합니다. 이것은 아닙니다 Forex tippin g 서비스는 Forex에 특정 일일 거래를 제공합니다. 귀하를 위해 자동으로 베팅을하는 자동 로봇이 아닙니다. 베팅 기회에 대한 지표를 제공하는 차트 시스템이 아닙니다. 자신의 거래를 공식화하는 데 사용하는 추세에 대한 배경 정보와 지침을 제공하여 자신의 전략을 수립하십시오. 한 달에 50 달러를 얻으 려합니다. 정보는 두 가지 방법으로 액세스됩니다. 1 매일, 0800에서 0830 사이에 일일 회원 보고서가있는 이메일을 보냅니다. 보통이 날에 특히 관심이있는 2 개 또는 3 개의 통화 쌍을 나타냅니다. 이는 오늘 상향 또는 하향 거래가 선호되는지 여부와 가능한 항목의 표시를 제공합니다 목표 지점 또한 웹 사이트에 대한 클릭 스루가 포함되어있어 메시지의 향상된 버전이 저항 영역을 표시하는 차트와 함께 표시 될 수 있습니다. 2 웹 사이트에는 일별 팀 주문위원회 (Team Order Board)가 약 0830에 있으며 때로는 잠재적 인 무역이 표시 될 경우 하루 후반에 업데이트됩니다. 주로 주로 집중하는 주요 FX 쌍의 대부분을 포함합니다. 또한 FTSE, DOW, GOLD 및 BRENT에 대한 아이디어를 자주 제공합니다. 웹 사이트에는 다른 정보 그리고 링크. 그래서 어떻게 돈을 벌기 위해 이것을 사용합니까? 이것은 가장 완벽한 외환 초보자를위한 것이 아닙니다. 그러나 당신이 몇 가지 기본적인 지식을 가지고 있다면 당신은 확실히 당신이 당신의 스키를 개발하도록 도울 것입니다 당신의 미래의 거래를위한 지속적인 자원을 제공합니다. 어떻게 사용 했나요? 글쎄, 나는 기본적인 지식으로 시작 했습니다만, 초기에 많은 것을 배웠고 차트 나 지표가 의미하는 바를 흡수하기 위해 일주일 정도 걸렸습니다. 따라야 할 명확한 전략이 주어지지 않았고 이것이 단기, 중기 또는 장기 트레이딩에 사용될 수 있습니다. 데이 트레이딩을 선호하여 팁과 차트를 교환하고 첫 주 후에 단기 베팅을하기로 결정했습니다. 30 pips를 획득 한 후 멈추고 반대 방향으로 30 pts로 Stop-Loss를 설정합니다. 이것은 단지 전략 일 뿐이며 다른 사람들이 전혀 다른 방식으로 운영 될 것이라는 점을 강조해야합니다. 또한 다른 사람들이 the same strategy as myself would get different results as there is a lot of room for individual interpretation of the data. So, how am I doing The answer is fantastic. Between 27th January 2015 and 4th March 2015 I have placed 47 trades, of which just 4 were losers. My level stakes pro fit stands at 1,220 pips and by using 0 1 increasing stakes a 1,000 starting bank would now be 3,305 95.I use I G Index to place my bets but I m sure that you can do this with any suitable bookie. For an outlay of just 50 per month this is a real no-brainer I can see this monthly fee being covered in one or two days even at 1 per pip. The Customer Service seems to be excellent and they offer individual assistance. The trial continues, probably for two or three months more and I will report back after another month or so I actually can t wait to continue. You can see a full breakdown of my results here. Review Update May 2015.I ve now been using this for just over three months so it s time for a further update on experiences and results. I remain very impressed with the experience and with the results that I ve achieved but I must re-iterate what I said at the start. This is NOT a Forex tipping service that gives out specific daily trades to place on Forex. And it is NOT an automatic bot that p laces bets automatically for you and it is NOT a charting system that gives you indicators for betting opportunities. What it does do is help you devise your own strategies by providing background information and guidance to trends that you use to formulate your own trades So what do you get for 50 per month. Information is accessed in two ways. 1 Each day, between 0800 and 0830, you receive an email with the Daily Member Report This usually indicates two or three currency pairs that are of particular interest on that day This gives indications of whether up or down trades are favoured today and the possible entry and target points. It also contains click-throughs to the website where an enhanced version of the message can be seen together with charts that show resistance areas etc During my review they have tended to concentrate on just a handful of currency pairs AUD USD, EUR USD and GBP USD being the most common. 2 The website also contains a daily Team Order Board which appears at around 0830 and which is sometimes updated later in the day if a potential trade is being indicated This usually involves most of the Major FX pairs which they mainly concentrate on They also frequently give out ideas for the FTSE, DOW, GOLD and BRENT The website also contains a host of other information and links. So how do you use this to make money. It is most definitely not for the complete forex novice but if you have some basic knowledge it should certainly help you develop your skills and provide an ongoing resource for your future trading. How did I use it. I started with a decent basic knowledge but I learnt a lot in the early days and took a week or so to absorb what their charts and indicators meant You are not given a definite strategy to follow and the information provided could be used for short, medium or long term trading it s up to you. I prefer Day Trading so I decided to trade their tips and charts and go for short term bets after the first week I decided to target each bet to win 30 pips and then stop and I set the Stop-Loss to 40 pts in the opposite direction. I must stress that this is just my strategy and no doubt others will be operating in a totally different way Also I m sure that others adopting the same strategy as myself would get different results as there is a lot of room for individual interpretation of the data. My full trading history can be viewed on the spreadsheet at the end of this report. There were no trades between 18-20th March due to the uncertainty in the markets following the U K Budget and there were no bets for two weeks between 23rd March and 3rd April when I had no internet access due to a house-move. How am I doing Well, the answer is Fantastic. Between 27th January 2015 and 1st May 2015 I have placed 101 trades of which just 13 were losers The level stakes profit stands at 2,451 pips and by using 0 1 increasing stakes a 1,000 starting bank would now be stan ding at 11,020 74.I use I G Index to place my bets but I m sure that you can do this with any suitable bookie Over 12 weeks, using level stakes, this equates to an average profit of 204 25 pts per week and with a suitable betting bank it should be possible to work towards using at least 5 per point. With my strategy this would make a profit of over 1,000 per week with a potential risk of 200 per trade on the stop-loss. My only negative is to reiterate my earlier warnings This is not a get rich quick system that sends out specific trades to make on a daily basis It is a resource that provides lots of information each day with clear signals to the possibility of trades to make These are often subjective and you need to work at it but in doing so you will learn a lot about trading and charts. You need to have daily access to the internet and emails and you will need to be at your computer before 8 am each day Mon-Fri you will see from the spreadsheet that I had many trades starting at 8 30 a m after the preparatory work So you ll need to factor in if you have a job or are commuting at that time etc. For an outlay of just 50 per month this is a real no-brainer I can see this monthly fee being covered in one or two days even at 1 per pip and it should be possible to make a substantial monthly income once you get to grips with it The Customer Service seems to be very good and they offer individual assistance. I will certainly be continuing with this and have added it to my personal portfolio for the future Although the official review is now at an end, I will try to make periodic postings of an update on the results. You can see a full breakdown of my results here. Review Update August 2015.As I said in my last update I have continued to use FX Foundations in my own personal trading Here is an update for you on how I ve been getting on. Overall, between 27th January 2015 and 7th August 2015 I have placed 285 trades, of which just 40 were losers That is a success rate of 86 on all my trades There was an average of 11 trades each week The level stakes profit stands at 5,687 pips over 26 weeks which equates to a weekly average of 218 73 pts with no losing weeks The worst week was a small profit of 19 pts. I use I G Index to place my bets but I m sure that you can do this with any suitable bookie. With my scalping technique the spread betting margins are kept within manageable limits My maximum exposure was around 300 pts at any one time With a suitable betting bank approx 1,500 it should be possible to work towards using at least 5 per point With my strategy this would make a profit of over 1,000 per week with a potential risk of 200 per trade on the stop-loss. I still believe that this is a fantastic resource I personally have made a lot of money trading with this and I will most certainly be continuing with it in the future Although, as you know, the official review is now at an end, I will try to make periodic postings of an update on the results. You can see my up dated results here. I have been using this service for the past 3 months The results are very encouraging and I have really enjoyed using the service My goal is to become a full time trader and I believe that by utilising the support and excellent service provided here I will be successful I would say that you do require a good base knowledge and you certainly need to commit time during the day But if you are willing to put in the time you will not be disappointed. I must say that since joining the FXF team back in November my trading has gone from strength to strength I am now consistently making 8-12 ROI per month and out of 53 trades only 6 have been losers A personal service that stands out amongst the many other holy grail or not systems Do not hesitate with this one. I have been a member of FX Foundations from day it started and I cannot recommend the service enough Ever since I started trading I dreamed of 100 points a week but it seemed impossible Prior to joining FX Foundations I was losing money but since joining I usually make 100 points a week even though I have a full time job. Over the past year the FXF team have been teaching me to write my own reports in the same style as theirs and I am making good progress If I ever need any extra help or advice the FXF team are always incredibly quick to respond. I have also had lots of private lessons which I found incredibly useful All my trading success is down to the FXF team. Over the years I have tried so many services but no other service comes close to FXF No matter how highly recommended or how many awards the service has won, FXF is much more profitable Since joining I have not had a single losing week I honestly believed this was impossible trading until I joined FXF. The membership fee can easily be made made back in a single trade even at 1 a point so its a must for anyone who wants to make money trading. I have been a member for over a year now The service which John provides is excellent This service is abo ut providing a base so you can find a style which suits you I would not hesitate in recommending it You will need to put time and effort in to get the most out of it however you can go a pace which suits you. A sudden rush of very positive comments within the space of a few days from names that don t seem familiar across the many posts on this forum Do not hesitate with this one cannot recommend the service enough I would not hesitate in recommending it All sound like so-called testimonials used on a myriad of sites. TheBaker, I d tend to agree with you at first glance However, the reviewer has given this a VERY positive verdict Therefore it wouldn t surprise me if the vendor had sent an email to all clients asking them to post their experiences here. The positive comments simply reflect the service provided by FX Foundations Having known them for a while now, I have found their service to be excellent Certainly you need to put in the work and effort, as in all things These people will gi ve you every help and support. I have been part of the service over the last 6 months or so The information is presented in a style that is easy to understand, and the foundations on which decisions are made make sense There is nothing over-complicated The forecasts are usually very accurate. im quite new to trading but im realy interested in trying out f x trading can anyone give me some advice I also go to the Philippines a DELETED BY MOD DON T POST PERSONAL CONTACT INFO ON HERE. When I see these reviews I always ask to myself why still in 2015 we have to read statements that even a child could produce Why not give a MyFxBook link to the account used for the test It is not a scalping way of trading so even a demo account could be acceptable, provided that. it is registered with a reputable broker it has track record verified a sell buy limit stop order is entered and cancelled with the comment FX Foundations MMReview test so we are sure where it comes from. I would like to ask the review er and some of the people that so diligently came here to magnificent the service to provide such kind of proof Sorry, but any other kind of proof is hogwash for me and for professional traders too of course. That s amazing Look like this is a real and genuine company where they offer you like that I understand they are not giving you tips but all you just work it out yourself and follow their guides. I am certainly will be joining their programs and it is a good thing that they offer 7 day trail to find out what is like Thank you for your comments conclusion about that. H m I have my reservations about this Mainly about turning 1000 into more than 250,000 in just 26 weeks Anyone who could do this would be ranked as one of the world s super-traders It might be more believable if a copy of the actual account was shown rather than just numbers in a spreadsheet A stop might have to be 50 points away from the entry Assuming a starting bank of 1000 and 0 1 a point, this means a risk of 5 on on e trade I spoke to a mate of mine who worked as a trader for twenty years in the City He said if he d ever risked that much on any one trade he d have been fired on the spot 0 5 1 was his normal risk If that doesn t sound like much consider this trading is about preservation of capital, that s all It s about sustaining small losses and riding the winners Risking say 1 means that after 4 losses and yes you will have runs of losers like this regardless of which strategy you use you still have about 96 of your capital left Risking 5 means you ll have 80 left Which would you rather have The other thing I notice is that after saying that pips profit between January and May was 2,451, the reviewer then says his account would now be standing at 11,020 74 That s an odd phrase to use Surely, if the account had actually been traded with real money he would say something like my account now stands at If it s a demo account then say so The thing is a demo account means zero risk and may explain wh y relatively large percentage risks per trade were taken with the account. Mike Pears says he s making money with this, then shows a spread sheet with 250,000 in the bank and trading at 250 a pip I would love to see his actual IG account Fantasy world. Thanks for your comment captainjack. Of course, you are right The comment from the reviewer The level stakes profit stands at 2,451 pips and by using 0 1 increasing stakes a 1,000 starting bank would now be standing at 11,020 74.So haven t actually used any of his own money but just a demo that would give me no confidence at all by the review. So for me the review is worth nothing Yes unfortunately worthless I actually think that the reviewer himself herself agrees with that. Once again capatainjack, thanks for reminding us of that. David Clarke says. I am an experienced trader that has been trading for nearly 10 years I still work part time because my trading profits are not consistent enough for me to give up work entirely and make trading my only source of income FX Foundations was bought to my attention by another review site that I subscribe to called Cashmaster, they reviewed FXF earlier this year and gave it a full recommendation I didn t subscribe to FXF then because I aspire to be an independent trader and do not wish to pay for any trading services However, these recent results from More Money Review, and due to a change in my personal circumstances, which is putting pressure on me to nail my shortcomings as a trader, have prompted me to reconsider that aspiration I am very seriously considering subscribing to FXF and very nearly pushed the button this morning but thought I d check to see if there were any other reviews about FXF before I did, which bought me to this forum Having read the comments above, particularly those of Captainjack well done Captainjack for picking up on that sentence , I am now questioning my judgement on FXF and how truthful the More Money Reviewers findings are So come on More Money Review come clean, what s going on Did you use real cash in a real trading account for this trial as is implied in your review, or was it a demo account Are your results accurate, did you really turn 1000 into 250,000 in 6 months as you are claiming This is really important for your credibility, and if you re encouraging people to part with their hard earned cash because of a not entirely honest review just so that you can get some affiliate income, that s crap So respond to this and tell us whats going on, I m sure all your readers would appreciate it. I am a long term member of FX foundations and must say some of the comments do make me chuckle The service offers a basis for trading, giving market ideas and a whole host of other info If people want to slate the reviewer of this service, then that is fine But don t knock a service which I can verify has helped my trading come on bundles in the past 18 months The service not the review is IMO one of the best out there if you have failed to un derstand or trade the markets profitably It won t spoon feed you trades but will help you understand all aspects of the markets. Speak to one of the team and you will see their personal money management strategy is a lot more cautious and towards institutional ideas Whatever thoughts members have on here, I don t believe anyone who tries this service would be disappointed with what is offered. mollypop Fair point I think if the reviewer had just put how many pips he made or even put 1 a pip on the spread sheet instead of the crazy amounts he would have done the service more credit Glad the service is working for you. David Clarke says. It s good to hear what you say Mollypop That s exactly what I m looking for, an honest and independent opinion I m not slating MMR but I do think it s important these review sites are totally honest By the way, I have every faith in Cashmaster who also gave FXF a glowing review I do like the look of FXF, not to be spoon fed with trades, I definitely don t want that, but to help me broaden my trading knowledge and improve my trading strategy I have every intention of making contact with FXF before I subscribe to discuss the programme and find out whether it s what I m looking for. Thanks for carrying out the review on this Could you please confirm what time frame you are using to take trades I have subscribed to this based on your review but I am struggling to match your trades to the levels and strategies provided I appreciate you say they provide advice and you have used your own strategy but it must correlate with the provided levels or strategies in some way or there is no point paying for the service Thanks in advance. mollypop, I apologize on the reviewers behalf for destroying fx-foundations great results with his her unserious review. Now can I ask you perhaps the most important question anybody have ever asked you at this forum. Well can I mollypop. According to you and your long term experience in these kind of matters What is the best forex membership service to follow if you don t know anything about forex and don t know a thing about trading different currencies. I mean based on your great experiences which is the best forex trading system in the whole world. Which is the best forex membership service in the whole world. If you could only choose one mollypop where you could learn the basics and perhaps also have a chance to make some profit from Forex trading which one would you pick. I am very grateful for you taking the time and helping us out here. Have a great day. I am not sure why some people above may thinking this service may not work or whatever. Simple answer Go and find out over there Test it yourself and come back here to see if you like it or not Remember their service offer you 7 day trail and if you feel their service may not work for you then unsubscribe them That won t harm you.7 day free trail a free service. What are you waiting here for Go on a look. The facts here are two.7 days aren t sufficient to prove if you could be profitable, and review sites like this one are there to test in our place and give a comprehensive judgement on a much longer trading period. proofs like screenshots or Excel files can be forged even from a child and mean nothing. I have to disagree at emailonly 7 days is plenty to see if this service would suit YOU as a trader and if it can be profitable and of help to yo u The 7 days are there to see if you believe the FXF team provide foundations and ideas that can help your trading Yes Continue No Cancel and pay NOTHING. To also disagree 7 days are more than enough to prove if a service is profitable Whether it is profitable long term is another matter for the reviewer or other members to determine which is clear they have but to state for a fact 7 days aren t sufficient to prove if profitable is an absolute myth. Emailonly are right but the question is how do you know about that Worth to find out there and test it yourself. It is all based on your assumptions which it is unproven yourself. Ok, Imagine if you are in Get me out opportunity somewhere in Australia where many people refused go there I would grab this and find out from there to take my experience Once I learn from there, then I come back to bring up with some information to see if they are great or rubbish. That s the same thing you can try taste it yourself. I have not join them yet but I will plan to If FXFoundations do not offer 7 day trail or no money back guaranteed then I will not consider this further.7 day trail is too good to offer. What most people are forgetting is that the reviewer is not increasing his her stakes after each bet as shown in the excel spread sheet The reviewer clearly states he is using level stakes without any increase. The spread sheet shows the potential of an aggressive bank management style, which most people would never implement due to the high amounts you soon start to risk when trading at 100 point Risking 4,000 per trade would be psychologically unbearable for some people to deal with in just 26 weeks. I have full confidence the review made the amount of pips stated and stuck with a level staking plan maybe increasing gradually at a comfortable level and pace for his her own personal trading style. I agree with you that 7 days can be sufficient to understand if the service can suit you about your daily commitments etc but I don t think to ha ve understood your point about profitability, because you firstky say that 7 days are more than enough to prove if a service is profitable Whether it is profitable long term is another matter So what are we searching for To spend one month or two on the Forex market as a tourist or to become a trader for a living or to integrate our fixed incomes This is why a test of a service should last for 6 months at least, as the reviewer did in fact The problem is that the proof has been given in a childish way. So what is the meaning of existence of review sites like this, to find out there and test it yourself. So this could be a site with only statements like this Hey guys, there is this website about forex trading Try it yourself, its free for 7 days. Guys, I said that the review meant nothing with the report given as an Excel file and that 7 days of free test are not useful to find if a service method is profitable longer term, of course , so please let s stay on topic and try to find if someb ody here can give a MyFxBook link with the characteristics I asked before about the service. You are missing the point massively here And your comments already tell me please steer clear of FX foundations Your nay saying attitude is one which is certainly not welcomed in the small trading group I participate in and that was set up by the FXF team themselves. With regards to profitability. So what is the point of a review Is this site not independent Surely the point of these sites are to give an honest and genuine review of a service over a prolonged period Has this been done YES. Was this service profitable over this period YES. Can the 7 days prove it can be profitable YES. Do you expect these services to be free Should they offer emailonly 6 months free to satisfy their needs Come on now. IN answering YES to the above, I cannot see why on earth is the service being slated here, when it seems to have adhered to all purposes of an independent review How can anyone expect to potentially join a genuine and decent service when people such as yourself quickly slate it I was someone who chucked good honest money at services which were reviewed and run by marketing friends. This time I stumble upon a great service and yet again naysayers are here to ruin a great opportunity in a world which is inundated with sharks looking to market the next holy grail As Moonfish says, try it for FREE and see if it suits you. Sorry for anyone who feels I have gone over the top here, but I cannot help but feel for the FXF team who genuinely help people like me only to be slated time and time again Perhaps I should reveal the 27 times prior to FXF I bought into mass marketed systems, strategies and the next pile of Shi which cost me in excess of 4k to never see a penny returned. Ok fair enough If that what you want then you are happy the way you stick with it. Please let me know if you change your mind ha. Can I just say that in no point during our review did we say that we made 25,000 in six months I don t even know where you ve got that figure from. FX Foundations is not an out and out tipping service, so everyone s results will be different. The service is an educational training site that provide assistance and information to help each individual devise their own trading strategy and therefore their own trades. Our review stresses that his results are based on his strategy alone and that not everyone else will achieve the same. This is a service that you get out what you put in And yes, does require some user intelligence and trading experience If you have that then, like other things on the market i e the PATE theories you can make plenty of money. If you don t have that or are looking for an out and out tipping service, then this is not for you. Regards Michelle Roberts. Here here Mollypop, very well said i too have felt the frustration your experiencing with alot of people on here. Myself i successfully make money from horse racing but either that or trading they both have a simila r success rate in that only 2-4 of punters traders win, so really its no wonder that even when a service is honest, genuine, and the real deal the 95 ers are out there ready to rubbish it, and it is that very fact why those people DONT make money. I think people come on here looking for the holy grail, something thats just gonna pop into their inbox and say do this do that and BAM loads of money its just not real, it does NOT happen, get to know your market, study whatever you can trading or punting, apply the correct mindset, a realistic one, and most importantly treat whatever your interested in as a business. Thats enough of me going on must get back to WORK its the only way to make money. I think the 250,000 exact figure is 259,725 that is referred to comes about from the link to your results in your August 2015 review update your FX Foundation Trading record. I m still very much interested in looking further into FX Foundations, have heard many good reports about them but I think all o f the latest arguments have been raised from the spreadsheet you issued referred to above Could you please clarify that you actually made those results with a real money trading account or a demo account. mike88 are right Something puzzle with MMR admin s spreadsheet. MMR admin confused Please clarify with your trading results Is that what you are doing this. It seems to me that your judgement about FXF is not so unbiased, because you still did t get the fact that I haven t criticized it but the way the test has been done, and that can apply to every test about a Forex trading method or service or EA or whatever Do you really think that answering like a disciple of an inner circle or sect can be useful to everybody that needs to know if it could I say could and t least proven by facts be profitable for itself. Please STEER CLEAR of FX foundations Your nay saying ATTITUDE is one which is certainly NOT WELCOMED in the SMALL trading group I PARTICIPATE IN Wow, a very technical opinion to whom needs to know the truth. And what about your self made questions and self made answers In the future I will ask technical opinions about Forex trading and EAs to my child. Have you made your homeworks YES. Have you cleaned your room YES. Good to know, because I m alread y profitable with my trading even if I still have a job in a financial company and I m far to decide if I can resign from it but I m always open to any other method to add to my trading arsenal of strategies forex, index options, ETF global rotation etc the only little problem is that today we have all the technical weapons to know if a method or EA or whatever is profitable or not and what We continue to see Word and Excel files, screenshots with demo accounts, cents accounts, bucket shop brokers etc as proofs of profitability as we had 8 years ago if you were in this business already like me This is what I pointed out, nothing else And I even didn t ask for a REAL money account and overlooked the crazy money management the tester used, because if I had honestly I should have also pointed out that trading this way would have fired him from any institutional firm in no time. I asked just the proof that the method could be profitable over the long run and agreed that 7 days of test are good to taste if it suits your daily commitments, due to the extensive effort the service require to be followed. In my opinion I think you should have used the same incisive and unbiased way of judgement in the past, because probably most of your 27 times prior to FXF I bought into mass marketed systems, strategies and your 4k went in crap EAs and systems advertised with colourful and glittering screenshots of MT4 statements and Excel files I m glad you found FXF, but with your professional and rational approach it could very well have been your 28th method to reach the trash bin. I hope my previous answer to Mollypop cleared finally my point and that I don t think FXF is not or cannot be a good service I don t need them to start being profitable but you and Mollypop made me very curious and I think I will give FXF a try I hope I won t be kicked out in my ass by Mollypop and the magical inner circle for what I said here. It can become rather embarrassing for all concerned going back and forth with sly digs However I would like to address your concerns My unbiased opinion My issue lies in the fact and is always raised when people are quick to judge yet never give praise when it is due This is certainly seen in FXF Many a comment here looks to give blame to the reviewer or the service, yet nobody has actually stated they tried the service for 7 days, and here are my personal thoughts It is easy to be an armchair poster. Your point is correct on 21st century techniques tools to display results, but who gave these results The FX foundations service did not give the review so perhaps this needs to be directed at MMR My inner circle is simply a group set up by FX foundations that allows 4 previously failing traders to chat daily with an FX mentor in order to achieve success Success breeds success and failure will often breed failure In my opinion, if I had someone like you in my group, it would cause issues I don t surround myself with negative people, those who assume failu re before even giving something a chance So call me biased or selfish, but the last thing I would want is to see my own group lose its mentor because the service is being plagued by negative naysayers like yourself. To address your point on an unbiased opinion. My 27 times of failure and purchases were certainly not made based on screenshots or excel files They came from liaising with those offered the service system and engaging in their method of trading Only at FX Foundations did I finally believe the guy at the other end of the call was genuine and new were they were doing They came from marketing emails seminars etc etc If I had the benefit of an independent review site like More money when I was purchasing my first port of call would be to try the service You however call for proof How about you get of your armchair and get the proof yourself Naysayers like you do a lot of talking and never really walk the walk Probably look for others to do the testing, and then think and think an d think about perhaps dipping your toe in the water. The only FACT with this service is that is has to be applicable to you What could work for me may not work for you It is how you use the information, strategies and ideas detailed by the site that is FACT This is not a mechanical buy sell system Perhaps that is what is causing you trouble. With regards to your thoughts on self made questions, sometimes in life you have to spell it out for people You stated a fact which was proven INCORRECT 7 days aren t sufficient to prove if you could be profitable, and review sites like this one are there to test in our place and give a comprehensive judgement on a much longer trading period. You now change your opinion My self made questions answer this ridiculous unproven factual statement by giving a correct factual answer I have made a mockery of your question giving a correct and clearly apparent response to your so called facts If you took my satirical reply as genuine response then that really does sum you up. I will once again stand and give praise to this service Like many others and prior to finding this service, you can call me naive and you would be 100 correct I bought into promises, and all but 1 were utter lies So to the people that changed my trading career and finally began to offer something which I could benefit from I am going to stand tall and defend them This place is full of sharks who prey on the naive yes I was one of them and rarely do I see a service or system that supersedes these guys When I do, I shout from the roof. I am over and out now emailonly but wish you the best now we have clarified my points. Good Yes that would be worth try yourself When you go in FXFoundations and please let us know with your experience with them Hopefully, it will be positive maybe not. I must agree I have had fairly recent email correspondance with the guys at FXF, found them quick to respond, very helpful and courteous I think the lack of clarification and confusion around t he MMR results has led to FXF taking an unfair bashing The results posted on the spreadsheet has led most people to become suspicious which is no fault of FXF. The MMR admin team stated above. Can I just say that in no point during our review did we say that we made 25,000 in six months I don t even know where you ve got that figure from. First off, I assume that they meant 250,000 rather than 25,000 The spreadsheet results and review update that went with it certainly give the reader the impression that they made 259,725 in approx 6 months This is where the doubt seems to come in I m more than willing to keep an open mind but we do need the admin team or reviewer to back this up with a bit more proof Without it, it is unfortunately reflecting badly on FXF which I think is very unfair Many people base big decisions on review sites like MMR and I think they have a responsibility to be honest and open Hopefully we ll get an answer to this so we can put the arguments to bed. Really well said I agree, this does need to be clarified I find it unfair on the team do have any negative press especially when it does go above and beyond with regards to both service and customer relations. This is repeated as my post took a while to go through moderation so may have been missed. Thanks for carrying out the review on this Could you please confirm what time frame you are using to take trades I have subscribed to this based on your review but I am struggling to match your trades to the levels and strategies provided I appreciate you say they provide advice and you have used your own strategy but it must correlate with the provided levels or strategies in some way or there is no point paying for the service Thanks in advance. FXF are using this in their advertising so I would like to see how the results are based on their methods I appreciate it is your interpretation and results will differ but I am just struggling to correlate the results with the information provided by FXF and I have subscribed based on this review. The FXF service is very professional and will be of use so I am not criticising them, I am just trying to see how the results were obtained and knowing the time frames used will help. If it helps littleollie. I personally use the predicted market direction and zones and switch to 1 hour and 15 min charts My main point of entry revolves around the foundations and looking to see a reversal from the immediate trend towards the longer term trend. I personally use the market order board to see where direction changes but in general use all levels and foundations the reports provide. Hope that helps and if Mike at MMR could confirm what he does, that would be great. Mike Pears says. Once again, apologies for the lack of response to these posts I only became aware on Friday of these comments This will be a long message. First I must stress the independent nature of these reviews I am not paid to do this and I have no affiliations for selling these products I do this b ecause I am passionate about trading and betting and I am looking for things that work so that I can use them for a long time No doubt like most of you I have suffered from trying useless systems and strategies and I have reviewed quite a few of them on this site I have personally spent approximately 200 hours of my own time to produce this particular 6 month review. I am appalled at some of the arrogance shown by certain people on here It is sad that there are people who just want to criticise they will ignore the good and search for things to criticise I make special mention of petermans23 who seems to think that he knows what I m thinking and has the audacity to apologise on my behalf for what Such arrogance is incredible. To summarise, the recent comments seem to be mainly concerned about the following. 1 They doubt the voracity of the results are they genuine 2 The profit figures seem to be quoted as 250,000 3 The childish nature of the way the review has been posted 4 Whether the reviewer has been receiving financial reward for posting good results 5 Whether the figures are based on real trading 6 Someone wants screen shots posting of trading accounts 7 What precise method am I using in my trading. First I must repeat what I ve been saying throughout the review This is not a ready made tipping service that tells you precisely what to trade on any given day It is a resource which provides information and indicators for possible trades on a large variety of currency pairs and some commodities and indexes They issue charts and commentary and I concentrate on their daily trading blog which highlights the currency pairs to consider for the day with resistance and support zones and suggested entry and closing zones It is up to the individual to decide when and what to trade and everyone wi ll consequently have different results Over a six month period the information has proved itself to be excellent. Let me explain to Fx Foundation users the precise method that I use to produce these results I decided to use scalping techniques with no trades lasting beyond the end of the day I close any remaining trades at 2030 I set my profit target to 30 pips on each trade and set my stop to 40 pips in the opposite direction My trading decisions are based on their Daily Trading Blog I do not use the charts to trade I interpret their commentary to decide when to trade, usually waiting for the index to reach near to their Support or Resistance levels and then watching for the reversal to be confirmed in the next candlestick I make my own notes as a guide to trading opportunities and check the charts regularly usually every couple of hours My trade closes at the 30 pip target or if stopped out at a 40 pip loss I always close out those trades still running at 2030 hrs and take the resulti ng profit or loss Over the 6 month period I averaged 2 18 trades each day some days there were 4 or 5 while on others there were none at all That s it As I progressed I learnt a lot from these reports and from studying the charts and it has made me much more skilled at recognising patterns and identifying trading opportunites Since the end of the 6 month review there have been 6 further weeks showing results of week 27 152 pts profit week 28 77 pts profit week 29 181 pts profit week 30 145 pts profit week 31 245 pts profit week 32 79 pts profit That totals 6,566 pts profit over 32 weeks to LEVEL STAKES and averages 205 pts per week There have been no losing weeks I spend between one and two hours each day on this, Monday to Friday. Here is an example of a Trading Advice from last Friday 25th September The Blog stated BEARISH 135 35-136 00 is the key fibo resistance zone we have in place 135 40 is a resistance level prior to this zone A move back towards 133 30 will be the first interest for the market coming lower The team are going to focus on a re-trace and easing of oversold market pressure back towards resistance This should then allow for an entry and move lower Focus on easing back towards resistance and from oversold pressure 135 35-136 00 is a key resistance zone and this will help bring the market lower At 1630 it reached 13540 and then started to retrace downwards I entered a trade at 1630 at 13536 with my usual 30 pt target to 13506 My Stop was set 40 pts higher at 13576 The result it hit 13506 at 1743 hrs and made the 30 pt profit 90 to me. 1 and 2 Many people seem to be getting over-excited about the 250,000 figure The only reason that this is included on the results spreadsheet is because it is part of the MMR standard sheet that we are required to use I assume that it is there to serve as a comparison with other services so that there can be uniformity in the reporting of results across different methods Any anomalies in the spreadsheet staking for this are as a result of the way the spreadsheet is constructed My only concern was in level staking so I was not concerned with the maths of increasing stakes on simultaneous trades and I just let the spreadsheet do its thing obviously a mistake in retrospect This whole concept is ludicrous and I would prefer to have omitted it No-one would surely contemplate staking 432 per point with a Stop Loss risk of 17,280 You should note that in the 6 month review I only quoted the level stakes profits which would obviously be traded using pounds or pence per pip I find it hard to bel ieve that anyone would concentrate on these other figures when all the commentary is about level stakes The figure to consider is that with a 1 per point stake the profit is 6,566 over 32 weeks. 5 Are the figures based on real trading Again, petermans23 and others seem to think they are mind readers These trades were based on a combination of paper trading in the early days and then by using my own money once it had proved it s worth It seems that some people think that reviews are only valid when risking real money If I had started gambling real money on all the reviews I have done over the years then I would probably be living on the streets by now All new reviews are paper traded at first to establish confidence or not in the process If it succeeds then I would always move on to using my own money and that s what I did with this I use IG Index but you could use many companies for this and others would permit smaller stakes I paper traded for 12 weeks, always making the trades as if it was my own money I waited for the slump but it never came I had no reason to exaggerate or bend the results as I wanted to know if eventually it would be worth risking my own money I started w ith 1 per pt aiming for 30 profit on each trade and risking 40 I then increased to 2 so that I was trading with the bookies money I then moved on to 3 per point and that s where I am at the present time This means that I am currently aiming to make 30x 3 90 per trade and risking a Stop Loss of 120 In this way I am averaging a profit of 624 per week My next move will be to increase to 4 per point risking 160 and then eventually to 5. 3 and 4 How is this review portrayed in a childish way The spreadsheet is clear and unambiguous regarding the use of level stakes Hopefully this posting will help the detractors to look at it properly with an unbiased mind I repeat, I do not have any financial benefits from this review process This is not an advert for Fx Foundations It is an honest appraisal from someone learning to use their information. 6 There is a request for screenshots of a reviewers trading account Really These types of screenshot are generally used to try to convince people to buy a service on the basis of look what you could have had A reviewer is not trying to sell you anything and I m not giving that type of information to anyone in the public domain You either believe the figures or you don t When doing a review you cannot go into too much detail about the precise rules and processes being used as there is a danger of infringing copyright etc. So in conclusion, this thread is now full of comments from people who appear to be looking for the negatives while ignoring the positives I do not understand why some people are only concentrating on the 250,000 figure when the whole review constantly refers to level stakes profits If you don t believe the results then I cannot help you they are genuine and the result of much hard work It is clear that this page is being read by the usual suspects who are determined to slag off everything and not believe a word But don t slag off the FX Foundations team There are services out there trying to charge thousands of pounds This information and service is certainly the best that I have ever come across and is in my opinion worth every penny but it does require work and dedication and could never be considered as a get rich quick scheme This is not what those searching for the holy grail are prepared to do If you don t like or believe what you read then don t buy it. The best recommendation I could give is that I will most certainly be continuing with this service in the future for my own profits It is already boosting my retirement income considerably and I don t think that I could do without it. Hi Mike Thanks for the in depth reply You say above My trading decisions are based on their daily trading blog-I do not use the charts to trade Later you say As I progressed I learnt a lot from these reports and from studying the charts and it has made me much more skilled at recognising patterns and identifying trading opportunities Could you clear that up for me. I think I can help The site offers daily and weekly reports visual charts included and on a daily basis we get a shortened version of these which break down intended direction, trade areas and market commentary. What I can assume is that Mike learns and applies what is seen on the market order board rather than the daily reports which are much longer and more detailed The market order board does not show any visual but focuses on detailing foundations and other aspects. Mike genius update on 27 09 I ve signed up for FXF and am going through the learning curve as we speak however that update has, if anything, assisted with the interpretation or, at least, one method of interpretation of the Daily Reports Market blogs and I will commence live trading in early course. As an aside, I, like so many others, have tried numerous different trading methods systems over the years including, I have to say, a good few recommended by MMR and been left disappointed and in deficit That said, I find it hilarious that there are so many people seemingly hell bent on decrying systems if you really don t believe a review, then don t subscribe So many people seem to want huge returns for no effort a signal service that delivers 1000 pips a month for 9 99 I mean c mon, wake up If you want to see if something works for YOU then try it yourself People really should stop relying on everyone else to spoon feed them and then complain when it goes wrong Some just can t help waiting for the holy grail while some actually put in a little effort and smile as profit eventually comes their way Well, here s hoping. Good luck to everyone in their quest for a little bit of extra financial independence , and thanks again Mike. mollypop, Thank you for all your useful comments and thoughts Like you and many others, I have paid thousands over the years for dreams that never materialise I think you said in an earlier post that you had some knowledge in trading prior to this system I know the very basics of Forex and candlesticks, but have never actually traded In your opinion, will this system be suited to an absolute newbie, albeit a newbie that is prepared to work hard to learn. Absolutely FXF is all about how much effort you want to put in The team provide everything you need to make a success of trading, from education, explanations, daily reports to 1 to 1 mentoring I have even been part of a small group who were privileged enough to have a day workshop with our mentor. If you are prepared to put some effort in, the team cannot do enough to make sure you learn how to read and interpret markets in order to find value in potential trades Mechanical systems simply don t do this. Good luck if you decide to join, i t will certainly be better than the latest holy grail system to hit the market. As I said, I will give a try to FX Foundations thanks to yours and other testimonials but reading this kind of posts if it were for you I should have started to think that more than a beloved one of FXF, as I already wrote, your are a vengeful mercenary that on the long run will not make a good service to them Maybe you failed in past due to a lot of revenge trading. And please remember again that if in general you need a proof like an Excel file, one of my children could spend also a decent amount of time in is his spare time after the school watching an MT4 chart IN THE PAST and fill the file with so many succesful trades as you need. Mike Pears or Mollypop. I am new to FXF and im trying to incorporate it into my life the best i can and hopefully get this working for me I work full time so hope to be able to like you mollypop set orders up at the begining of the day and monitor the best i can throughout, that is the plan at the moment anyway. Just looking at Mike s post and how he trades from there blog I am looking at his stated traded on 25th September in the post and mentions 135 35-136 00 is the key fibo resistance zone we have in place 135 40 is a resistance level prior to this zone but when i look at the blog im seeing 135 35-136 00 is the key fibo resistance zone we have in place 134 80 is a resistance level prior to this zone Obviously i am now looking at historical data and haven t ever looked at this area in a morning so cannot comment on whether this has changed since But going off 134 80 rather than the 135 40, this would of been a failed trade please don t see me as picking holes in this, im just wanting clarification for myself and anyone else who maybe seeing the same as myself Im going off the EURJPY unless im wrong. Do you go through all the markets outlined in the blog or do you concentrate on a set few markets. IF you can help with how else you manage this or anyone else re ading who also trades the same way im intending too, please let me know how you trade and manage your positions. Thanks in advance to your response. I would direct these at one of the FXF team rather than here They are far more skilled to deal with this specific type of query I simply state how I trade and cannot discuss or comment on what might suit each individual. Mike, can you oblige and clarify when you say you act on interpret information in the Daily Blog, do you act only on those areas where they specify Immediate Trade Interest , or do you act on other currency pairs commodities dependant on how you read these. Many thanks. LenzieLad, I don t think he actually states which currency pairs he focuses on-maybe he decides from the daily email at 8am isn Tbh unless you re an experienced trader you ll have difficulty deciding what specific instrument to trade As molly points out 16 markets covered and you decide By the time you ve digested all that and brought up the charts you could well become confused Seem to be mainly 3 pairs on the daily report so maybe you could start with those You could try Action Forex whereby you get excellent free info on pp s, S R levels together with analysis incl Fibs etc The reviewer is, from his trades a scalper and the RR doesn t appear to be 1 Anyway, make up your own mind but prob best to concentrate on 1 2 markets to begin with I really cannot see why these so called veteran traders can t provide specific instructions for each trade with entry, stop and exit levels Also they should state each day high impact data which may have significant effect on the currencies concerned. crowntonian you are correct it is ultimately down to you as a trader which markets you prefer to trade, but the team do give indication on their interest. Stops, exits and entry areas are given in the market order board, but you as a trader need to ultimately determine how best to enter and exit based on your own personal goals or expected rewards For example, the bank size, margin and leverage with your broker will dictate how many pairs you can actually trade at any one time. If you are a trader, who doesn t look at forex data This is a crucial part of intended and expected movement for that day. Sorry, don t follow you I would ve thought everyman jack would be looking at the appropriate data for the instrument s they re tracking The word areas is significant as they are non-specific All the data you need to know can be found on the Action Forex website - providing entry and exit areas Forex Factory and Fx Street are other worthy sites for quality info. Good luck for this week. I may have missed something, but I don t believe the FXF team ever state they are a signal service Mike the reviewer doesn t state this either. Can someone shed some light on this. The service as Deankenny has explained does work, does not provide signals per se, but it does provide plenty of education for traders of all levels. I see this turning sour like the last time when Mike had to proof his results via the MMR universal spreadsheet Not sure anyone came out winning that argument or discussion. Well, I ll send Michelle the email I received on 16October which categorical states Imonths quality forex training and signals for 50.The email was headed up Can you afford to miss out on over 800 pips a month. Michelle will no doubt confirm this to everyone. Michelle Roberts says. I have received the email you forwarded on to me and can confirm that the email did say 50 for 1 Month s Quality Forex Training and Signals. But further down in the email they only talk about the information and training not about sending specific signals. Do you need to stay on the computer all day or can you have a passive approach for this Can i trade in the morning set up my profit and stop loss and see at the end of the day wiether i have won or do i need to check it out from time to time in order to use the scalping techniques that the reviewr has mentioned an cut my losses or wins sooner Thank you. ANDYP, indeed you would m8 if you re scalping it s ipso facto A you d need to be there for the potential set up As regards signals why would they be mentioned if they re never provided, along with over 800 pips a month. Sprat and mackerel come to mind. All the best Andy. What i don t understand with all the abreviations so you will need to stay at the computer all day long that one is a yes. And the service provided 800 pips per month. But isn t the fact that he is reinvesting all of the profits whats making it grow so hugely Thank you. And Michels is this a training program not a signal provider i see you talking to crowtonian and saying something that they are no signals provided. What is this product and more importantly the the reviewer undergo a training course and based on that training course he was able to make these results. Or did he recieved trading signals. Michelle Roberts says. As our reviewer points out in his review above FX Foundations is not a signal tipping service it is an ed ucational and market information service that aids traders with their own trading. As such it is not best for complete beginners Our reviewer already has trading experience and was using the education and information as a trading tool to help make better trading decisions. His results therefore will not be the same as everyone else s everyone will experience different levels of success depending on their own trading strategies. Hope that makes sense. M k Lee, well the whole shebang to me is misleading and they still persist in mentioning pips points Be good if they could back up their statements with proof of their own trading accounts but I doubt if this would ever be forthcoming Anyway, you can get all the info you need from Action Forex and Live Charts for zilch The reviewer has used a scalping strategy which is clearly very high risk so the whole thing is of no value despite molly s affirmation to the contrary. Disappointed at the owners of this site recommending products that do not live up to the promotional hype. I joined unfortunately for a month and a number of issues that frustrated me are as follows 1 The manual is poorly written and the indicators are not explained in detail so even setting up a chart would be open to interpretation 2 3 strategies mentioned in the manual but only 2 explained and even then they are not definitively defined 3 The 1 to 1 chat is a skpe texting contact You don t get to speak to anyone which i s a major to ask any question in detail as you keep wondering if the person you are texting is still actually online I abandoned the contact after a few minutes as realised that I would never be able to clearly write what I wanted to ask if I was having a conversation 4 The videos used to explain the indicators are each less than 3 minutes in duration If you can understand the workings of an indicator in less than 3 minutes then you are too advanced for this package and if you need education on indicators the 3 minutes per indicator is totally insufficient 5 The whole entry exit system is open to interpretation and the live blog is only updated once a day at 7 30am so after one month hadn t a clue when to enter a trade I am not a beginner Lets face it, if you subscribe to this service then you could not be considered a profitable trader and anyone that does subscribe is in need of precise signals and information I did not benefit one iota from my months subscription and I am most disapp ointed at this site for recommending this product which will colour my judgement of any future recommendations. Do they have pictures on that blog showing wiether to go long or or short. Just thought i would catch up on the thread I have never once said they are a signal service, neither has Mike or any MMR staff, because they are not. What I have obtained from this service is a set of principles which have been expanded on in my 1 to 1 sessions and allowed me to create a strategy in which I successfully trade I use the reports to set my directional interest, areas of potential movement and then manage to act according to the strategy I have devised. The only time I have seen pip counts mentioned is from Mike the reviewer So if anyone needs to give evidence it would be the reviewer who actually made 9000 pips. Mike Pears Do you have your list of trades. I am lost as to where people think this is a signal service Anyone else received a SMS or direct signal to buy sell at level X I doubt it as I have been a member for over a year and never received this. Crowtonian limerickmick tintin3d. I ll have to agree with you two Crowtonian limerickmick. Yes, I did receive my 1 to 1 at the 3rd time of asking on Skype The first thing he said was my comments on MMR ie this thread were unfair and don t reflect the service So there s a snake in the grass is it you mollypop. As you can imagine I was somewhat surprised he knew about my comments Maybe he is a member of MMR Anyhow I was only stating a fact. I realised before I signed up after reading this thread it wasn t a signal service as such However as limerickmick has also experienced, the S P levels are open too much to interpretation The 1 to 1 session was only 20 minutes long and half of that was chatting about my comments on MMR. I m afraid I too have lost faith in MMR s recommendations after the experience. MKLEE No snake in the grass here, just once of the successes of both MMR and FX foundations who has the time to spread the word Even you admit I realised before I signed up after reading this thread it wasn t a signal service as such So why do people continue to complain it is not a signal service. I am not here to tell people whether their experience was good or bad, I can only comment on my own personal respect for the service I too have had bad experiences, but this has genuinely worked for me. The whole point of sites like MMR are to allow for open discussion and a genuine review We have MMR and their reviewer recommending this service, and I too am entitled to post my opinion on my success So too are the others on here entitled to post theirs If it didn t work for you, move on and find that service that does If it works well done, you may start winning in this long short world of trading. Those who say they have lost faith in MMR come on guys They have a reviewer who has come on and posted results and spoken about how he uses the service successfully Is MMR supposed to criticize every service to make you happy I will keep you guys updated on how I do things and if anyone would like to set up a trading group feel free to count me in. In relation to advertising for this product, can MMR honestly stand over the extract hereunder What Do You Get. Several emails each day Mon Fri with market information and indications of possible trades Personal mentoring from skilled city traders who are actively trading in the same markets. You get 1 e mail per day Personal mentoring is not a Skype texting do not get to speak to any of the mysterious traders. Michelle Roberts says. The What Do You Get section is written at the very beginning before we even start the review And it is taken from what is stated on the promotional material. Then in our full review we analyse if What do you get is actually what you get. It s the same layout on every one of our review pages. Sorry Mick, did you have more than 1 session So you didn t get to the 1 to 1 session with screen sharing. Or invited to the 1 day workshop. Being a member for less than 4 weeks over the Xmas period is not really a true reflection of the service I have received over the past 12 months. Mentorship is a personal development a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable pe rson helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person I am not sure how you would describe personal mentoring Mick, but perhaps that is why we have differed in our success. So how do you suppose he knew about my comments on this thread. Yes, I stated it s not a signal service But I expected something more considering the sales spiel on the site Offering a service with S R levels expanding a 30-50 pip range is hardly mentoring. I m not sure what you mean by Is MMR supposed to criticize every service to make you happy. Of course we will move on if the service product is sub standard But the point is we subscribe to MMR in order to make an informed decision and in turn save money As you have read there are at least a few people here who have wasted their money, AFTER reading the review. Due to YOUR comments, I too asked about the 1 to 1 workshop and joining a group His reply was I needed to subscribe for at least 3 months or more That reply comes across as someone who is just out to earn fees and not from someone who is looking to help their members I d like to add, he was quite insistent I d recommended his 1 to 1 session That wasn t going to happen as my 1 to 1 session consisted 3 attempts to arrange, 10 mins out of 20 debating my comments and 1 screen shot. Mklee I cannot comment on your personal 1 to 1 session nor how I knew about your comments I can only comment from my personal perspective. Clearly you were in need of a more direct signal service and you were unable to use a specific trading range or area to select a trade of value for you. May I ask what your experience in trading is Beginner Successful. I am extremely mystified about your comments in regards to the team wanting to earn fees I currently subscribe at 50 per month and in general speak to my mentor for 90 minutes each month Add to this the time it would take them to produce reports and at around 12 50 per week, I hardly think they are in this just for the money. Perhaps you want to look at the Forex scams that charge 499 and upwards for this type of service As you say, you have moved on, so I do hope you find something that suits, MMR has plenty of solid recommendations. Sept 19th 2015 5 16am 7 days is plenty to see if this service would suit you 7 days are more than enough to prove if a service is profitable but to state for a fact 7 days aren t sufficient to prove if profitable is an absolute myth. Jan 18th 2016 2 06pm. Being a member for less than 4 weeks over the Xmas period is not really a true reflection of the service. You are not seeing the difference After 7 days you can see if the service suits you Style of information given, report style, trading style, trade frequency etc etc 7 days can also show you if this service is going to be of benefit and profitable to you. However What you cannot do in 7 days is engage in a workshop, discuss all your requirements with a mentor and experience a varying set of conditions which prove the success of what is taught Over the Xmas pe riod this becomes even more so. In short 7 days can determine if this service is for you, but 7 days clearly doesn t show a true reflection of the service Take a car for a 1 hour test drive Does it suit you Possibly and you may purchase Now drive that car for 4 weeks, rain, snow, off road conditions, kids from school Now does it suit You are far more equipped to judge this vehicle after 4 weeks than you are 1 hour of a test drive. Again the incompetence and alternative agenda of a member on here ultimately leads to a false representation of this service I see why people disregard review sites, because unfortunately they turn into soap operas rather than the actual product being discussed. I will make this my last comment, as I can see this heading one way and I do my best to avoid any kind of conflict in life. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I will be the first to admit this is not for everyone I am here to simply vouch for the service I have received for the past 12 months and can stand by Mike Pears and his review of the fact you can learn a lot and profit with this service I stand by the claims of success, 1 to 1 mentoring and the accuracy of the reports and trade ideas given. If it didn t work from you there are plenty more that can help and I am sure this site can point you in the correct direction with reviews on a daily basis. Good luck in your next voyage. It seems like the fxf team are getting a bit of a bad name here for not being a signal service, when they aren t and don t say they are. For me, it s been great I ve learnt a lot made some mistakes but I feel John and the team are teaching a trading approach, not hand feeding signals if anybody says they know at the start of the day what price a market will turn at they re lying Fxf suggest a zone based on chart patterns and then a combination of other foundations you should consider The more you see, the stronger the case for a reversal Bulls vs bears. So how am I doing A spreadbettor for a few years, never that profitable, I ve used fxf for 3 months Best weeks have seen 200 pips and I ve averaged 20 pips per day over that time More importantly, I ve rarely had a losing day once I d got to grips with it, took about a fortnight, and it s that consistency that I value. Is this for novices Probably not, but if you take time to learn and spend time in front of your screen then they will help you improve as a trader. Will they make you 800 pips a month No But with some time investment on your behalf they can help you make yourself 800 pips. I m wondering why you are so defensive and condescending Do you work for fxf. You state Again the incompetence and alternative agenda of a member on here ultimately leads to a false representation of this service You sound just like Mike fxf There is more than ONE member who is not happy, so it s just you who is competent right. I do my best to avoid any kind of conflict in life However, every time someone has made negative comments, you are there to disagr ee. Shouldn t you be planning your trades at that time in the morning Instead of taking so much time to defend fxf. is there anyway i can talk to you about entiries am refiniing mine and would love to get more info and maybe bounce ideas about this issue and get new ideas and new angles but all in all the info is great FXF IS GREAT. If fxf is great we all look forward to seeing your great trades according to their so called zones of interest across a dozen or so markets take your pick m8- it s all baloney. Been using for couple months now I believe I been suckered into yet another sales hype again, but this time it s more clever, instead of all the lights and stars kind of sales, they have taken an attempt at pretending to be honest kind of sales, and it is scary to think it s working. there is no mentoring, I am not learning anything apart from support and resistence on a chart, not why how or why, number of times these zones hold, sometimes they do not. Wording such as if we stay above 1 35000 we are bullish well you don t say I thought we would be bearish if a support held. If we break below 1 35 we are bearish, what is a break candle go through support candle hold below support time below support I don t know, because FXF gives me no idea how to interpret any of it. well i have sent John a screen shot of my account since moving brokers on the 11th on feb showing 26 trades 2 losers 600 pips in 14 trading days using there method and am happy to show you too as you said you are looking forward to seeing however I already know 100 that you will choose too either say that it was done using a different method or I stole the account details from another trader even though it has my name on it, You have somehow managed to fail which i find mad because even with almost no trading knowledge and no experience you can still win more trades then you lose by entering once you see a bounce from the zones of interest, the information is there on the site who ever said 3 minute video i snt long enough to understand how a foundation works you obviously have no trading knowledge because mine was small but i understood it so spend time on babypips or other free websites to learn in more detail if you cant be bothered fine but thats probably why you have failed, the more you put in to fx foundations and trading the more you will get out. Yep definitely failed to find it of any use so perhaps John can post your trading details on this site As I ve said many times all their info is freely available on the Action Forex site look at dean kenny s comments and I m sure he s no duffer 12 markets no retail trader does that many Been trading over 7yrs m8 and I understand pretty well thx. It seems like there are a mixed bunch of reviews on here I have yet to see any bad reviews from FXF members or at least those who have used the service for a decent length of time. I have been a member for a number of years and it has helped my trading However I have not made full use of the service due to work commitments and changes in family life I have dipped in and out using it when I have had time My goal is to become a full time trader and I have set a time frame to do this. My experience of the service has been very positive and I wish to provide further evidence of the value of their service At present I lack structure in my trading so I have spoken to the team at FXF and will start posing my results on a regular basis This will help provide me with structure and help validate the service Now I must stress I am not doing this full time and will be dipping in and out so the results are down to how I personally interpret the service. To echo some of the other comments FXF is NOT a tipping service and the claims made by other sites have not been made by FXF, its just marketing by other sites My advice would be to do you own due diligence I will state I am not affiliated to FXF and have been a member for a long time I will post results hopefully on a weekly basis. I see they ha ve launched a trade copier service copying the trades of one of their best traders Mike Pears i think. Has anyone signed up for it or know how much they are charging for it. The signal service costs 199 per month but has no money back guarantee which maybe tells us something Not signed up for it myself having had a bad experience with the FXF service first time around Apparently it averages 600 pips per month but I have to say I m sceptical I d be interested to hear of anyone s experiences first hand If the results are as good as they say, it would be well worth the monthly fee I have asked for a copy of the trade results but as yet nothing has been provided. To all of those who say it doors not work You need to have basic chart and price action understanding And you need to put some work at it. I ve only joined FXF since a month but I can already see how their daily bulletin can help me trade. Many here expect a set and forget with exact entry and exit points That s not what FXF provide, f ortunately They provide much more learn a man to fish as the saying goes. Last week I had 2 trades and ended up 2 PIPS for the week one winner one loser , there was another on offer which turned out to be a winner Unfortunately I was away from my desk at the time. Now one thing I did not clarify was how I am trading Last week I adjusted my stops and a 32 PIP gain turned into a loss So to clarify I am using my own live account, sometimes I adjust stops today I have a live trade which hit the 30 PIP mark however I brought the stop to B E and am hoping to hit a higher mark Now this does not help anyone following my review as you will need to weigh up if I am adding alpha So for the purposes of this I will report only live trades I take, with a stop of 40 PIPS and a target of 30 PIPS as this is what was used in previous reviews I may adjust the stops and targets in my live account so my actual results will differ, however it will also show if I am adding value. FXF produce a daily report what highlights areas of interest I will only trade in these areas of interest and am trading the FXF methodology I am only trading currency pairs I use a 4hr time frame then move to the 1hr and 15min chart to look for triggers. I will try to report on a weekly basis. Good job Gary, I will be following with an 40 SL and 30 you end up with a loss then I will accept this product isn t working as reported. I tried this on a 6 month subscription Below is the email I sent them before starting. I received emails from all sorts of people in the past but after much research, I come to the conclusion they are just scams I did get in touch with Nicky and Alex Org you have probably heard of them as they had so many systems but it seems if I work 9 to 5, nothing is useful, even though in my limited knowledge markets are open 24 hours a day throughout the world My aim is to eventually become a full time trader but I just need guidance and it has to be idiot proof one at that One question I wanted to ask is h ow are you that different from where I could learn for free. This is the response I received. Good morning Nas, Well we can certainly help We would be lying to you if we said you could see more success trading outside the 9-5 hours, however you can still trade successfully using the FXF market order board and reports to trade If you were to sign up to a 3-6 month plan, we would assign you a 1 to 1 mentor and you would tailor a plan that fits your lifestyle Babypips is great for general knowledge, but they wont give you trade ideas, they wont teach you how to trade a specific and successful way, they wont offer a 24 7 1 to 1 mentor What we do at FXF is something NO other service does For the cost, we offer far more than anyone The fact is, at FXF you could spend up to 20 hours a month working with your mentor, and at the overall cost, our mentors clearly don t work for the money We genuinely care about you as a trader and for you to see success, how many others care about this Please let us know if you have any further questions Kind regards, The FXF team. There were other emails back and forth which would take up the whole space here but basically I wanted assurances this was idiot proof They said and I quote. This is more than idiot proof We have taught thousands of students and encountered all types of situations and levels of intelligence, so don t feel you have or possess anything we have not seen before You will be very surprised in what you actually need to know, and maths or reading graphs has ZERO relevance to what we do here Can you spot a man in a picture If so you qualify. I joined and my mentor was someone called John You can only email or skype your mentor No phone line is provided. After all my emails, on my first skype session I was told to refer to babypips This referall of babypips was mentioned continuously throughout my six month period and I would be happy to show the skype transcripts indicating this. THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT FOR BEGINNERS. I did not trad e during the six month period as I simply could not get my head around things You would have to ask someone who is used to trading and has used this to evaluate if it works. I still regard myself as a complete novice and I get sent many offers of systems but what I have realised is that babypips is the way forward to gain an understanding of trading. I hope the above helps anyone to make an informed decision. So 6 months after launching a signal service in association with Mike Pears the service has now been closed and their association with Mike Pears terminated. At launch they spoke of 1000 pips a month average, six months later they ve made precisely nothing Does this mean that the remarkable returns Mike returned in his review for this site are complete fiction or was the pressure of other peoples money just too much for a small retail trader We will probably never know the truth. FX Foundations are now taking control of the copier and trading it themselves Hopefully they can prove they trade their own system profitably otherwise their credibility will surely be blown for good. Going to be a make or break few months for this service.

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